The Evidence

If "Religion is the Opiate of the Masses," Science is the Opiate of the Intellectual Classes.

Do you really believe you're an Evolving Ape, or that God will Take Your Call? It's time to end this destructive conflict. It is the root cause of all of humanity's holy wars, holocausts, jihads, violent atheistic revolutions, and the radicalization of liberal vs. conservative politics.

Topics for Discussion

Jesus: Truth vs. Myths

The Best Non-Biblical Description of Jesus and His Followers

Josephus The Last Prophet of God
The Jewish Historian Josephus was born in Jerusalem in a.d.37. He was on the scene, and chronicled the cataclysmic events that coincided with the fall of the city. Though he never met Jesus, or any of his apostles, he was an eyewitness to the fulfillment of their prophecies of the destruction of the temple in a.d.70.. Near the end of his life, in A.D.93-94, he published Antiquities of the Jews. In that work, the Prophet stated that he had reached the conclusion that Jesus was the Messiah. I have never seen a more perfect description of Jesus and his followers, than the one penned by Josephus.

Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it is lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was the Messiah. When Pilate, at the suggestion of the leaders in Jerusalem, had condemned him to be executed, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. Paraphrase, Jos. Ant. B.18, 3:3, p. 379.

Josephus was a high priest and Prophet of the Almighty God; therefore, his declaration that Jesus was the Messiah is both authoritative and definitive. One can easily see why the leaders in our “biblical” religions would not want to publicize the prophet’s affirmation of Jesus as Messiah. The Eyewitness Trilogy, will reveal why they disparage his historical account of the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem.

Josephus’ description of the followers of Jesus as “such men as receive the truth with pleasure,” is also authoritative and definitive.  Please notice that he did not describe them in religious terms; Christian, Jewish, Pagan etc. He described them as men who received the truth with pleasure.

If you would like to test your ability to “receive the truth with pleasure,” please click on the Discovery link before leaving the website.

There are now over thirty thousand denominations of Christianity. Judaism, Islam, Paganism, and Atheism are similarly divided and confused. They all tell each other they are wrong about God, and all have a history of violence.

Was Josephus a Christian?
Josephus was a High Priest, a Prophet of God, a Commanding General of the Army, and the Governor of Galilee. He was the greatest historian ever to put pen to paper, and God’s eyewitness to the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem. In his chronology Antiquities of the Jews, he stated that he accepted Jesus as Messiah. According to the tenets of the religion, that would make him a Christian. However, Christianity does not dare to call him a Christian, because, if they did, they would have to acknowledge the truth inherent in his chronology of the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem, precisely as prophesied by Jesus. That would put them out of business. In addition, it would put them in an even more difficult position with their symbiotic enablers in the cults of Judaism.

No, Josephus was not a Christian. I too accept the reality that Jesus was, and remains, the Messiah foretold in the history of the ancient Israelites, but I reject Christianity’s fallacious attempt to relive that history. Messiah Jesus did not start a new religion; he fulfilled the prophecies of ancient Israel. See the link, Christianity: Truth vs. Myth on the navigator.

How do the Jews deal with Josephus?
For the most part, like Christianity, they do their best to ignore his chronology on the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem. For generations, most Jewish theologians considered him a traitor, because of his relationship with the Romans. More recently, they have been forced to grudgingly recognize him as a historian. The availability of his chronologies over the net, will soon force them to recognize him as a prophet equal to Jeremiah, whom God sent to stand with Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, at the first destruction of the temple. See Jer. 39:11-14.

Ideological Scientists
Do you think that atheistic  scientists are “such men as receive the truth with pleasure?” Is that why they do their best to ignore the greatest cataclysm in the history of planet earth; the fall of the gods and collapse of the advanced civilizations of the ancient world, followed by the great loss of knowledge in the dark ages?

Do you think that the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim theologians are “such men as receive the truth with pleasure?” Is that why they do their best to ignore Josephus’ account of the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem, precisely as prophesied by Jesus?

Do you think these “intellectuals” are appalled by the horrendous violence inflicted on humanity by the conflict between science and religion? Are they seeking a solution to that violence?

The Battle of Armageddon and The End of the Ancient World
Precisely as prophesied, a great battle of the gods coincided with the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem. At that point, the ancient world came to an end, and humans were left alone on the earth in the dark ages of the early modern world. Ps. 37:11 & Mat. 5:5.

Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus was and remains the Son of God, and the Messiah promised to ancient Israel.  His second coming coincided with the destruction of the temple and desolation of Jerusalem. At that point, all communication with the biblical and pagan gods ceased, and humans inherited the Earth.

The meek (humans) shall inherit the Earth. Mat. 5:5 & Ps. 37:11.

The Empty Tomb and Shroud of Turin
Christianity will point to an empty tomb in Jerusalem and the Shroud of Turin as evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. There is no empirical evidence to support the Christian claim that the tomb in Jerusalem has any connection to Jesus, and the Shroud of Turin remains unverified. The evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is the destruction of the temple and fall of Jerusalem, followed by the collapse of the ancient world. Jesus said that he would rise from the dead, and return to the earth in power. In conjunction with his return, the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed, the city would be left desolate, and the (ancient) world would come to an end. In the year a.d.70, the temple and Jerusalem were destroyed to the foundation stones. At that point, all communication with the biblical and pagan gods ceased, and humans inherited the Earth. The collapse of the ancient world is empirical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus; not an empty tomb in Jerusalem. Evidence for the resurrection and second coming of Jesus can be found in the libraries and archaeological ruins of the ancient world on every continent of the globe. That evidence is without limit.

The Bible is an ancient world text. Where it prophesies the “End of the World,” it is referring to the ancient world. Did that world come to an end precisely as prophesied by Jesus? Yes it did!

The Solution
The Bible is a closed history of God’s interaction with the ancient Israelites. It is not a handbook for religion, an ongoing revelation, or myth as disparaged in atheistic science and academia. Our religious attempts to relive that history, has killed millions of people in holy wars, holocausts, jihads, and violent atheistic revolutions. Studying the Bible as history will end the conflict between science and religion, harmonize liberal and conservative politics, and reveal our origin, purpose, and future.

Think and Go Free 
Did the Second Coming of Jesus cause the collapse of the ancient world? You Decide The Discovery

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