The Evidence

If "Religion is the Opiate of the Masses," Science is the Opiate of the Intellectual Classes.

Do you really believe you’re an Evolving Ape, or that God will Take Your Call? It’s time to end this destructive conflict. It is the root cause of all of humanity’s holy wars, holocausts, jihads, violent atheistic revolutions, and the radicalization of liberal vs. conservative politics.

Topics for Discussion

Pathological Ignorance

Intellectuals Fiddle While Humanity Burns

wtcOn 9/11/2001, Islamic theologians attacked what they perceived to be the symbol of Atheistic America – The Great Satan. These “men of God,” crashed stolen airliners, filled with passengers, into the World Trade Center. Three thousand innocent humans incinerated in an inferno, as the Twin Towers crumbled and fell to the streets below. Not even that catastrophe, could motivate the intellectuals to swallow their pride, and resolve the violent conflict between science and religion.

A conflict that goes Unresolved for Centuries is Pathological.
Humanity is trapped in a firestorm of violence instigated by the endless ignorance of the scientists and theologians in academia. Meanwhile, fiddling intellectuals warn people that cigarettes, trans fats, and global warming are about to kill them – Red Herrings?


Science vs. Religion is the Problem.

Do you really “believe” you’re an Evolving Ape, or that God will take your call?

The Pathology of Endless Ignorance
The volatile concepts of science and religion invade every aspect of our lives. They:

  • Indoctrinate our children, and turn them against each other in endless military and political conflicts around the world.
  • Radicalize liberal and conservative politics in democracies.
  • Drive an intellectual wedge between parents and their children.
  • Instigate ideological terrorism.
  • Necessitate government invasions of privacy, and body searches at airports.
  • Divide humanity into hostile countries armed with WMD.
  • Cause endless holy wars and violent atheistic revolutions.
  • Give rise to atheistic / religious dictatorships like North Korea, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela etc.
  • Radicalize education, which leads to fanaticism, mental instability and violence on campus. (The mass school shootings by radicalized students, Columbine, Virginia Tech, the Amish Schoolhouse etc.)
  • Debase human dignity, and foster a degenerate “amoral” society.

They Can’t both be Right; They Can both be Wrong
It’s time to face The Awful Truth, science and religion have failed to solve the “mystery” of Human Existence. That failure is the root cause of endless holy wars, holocausts, jihads, and violent atheistic revolutions.

Science and Religion are the Root Cause of all ideological Terrorism
Indoctrinating students into opposing sides of this violent intellectual jihad, while calling for “tolerance” to escape responsibility for the ongoing violence is Intellectual Malpractice that borders on Criminal Negligence. Scientists and theologians know that if they solve the “mystery” of human existence, the government will cutoff their research grants. Intellectuals are willingly ignorant, but not stupid.

Why do we spend billions of our tax dollars on “Homeland Security,” subject ourselves to body searches at airports, and send the military to fight academia’s ideological battles, while refusing to address the root cause of terrorism: academia’s failure to solve the “mystery” of human existence, and the endless violence instigated by the conflict between science and religion?

All religions, both biblical and pagan, are a modern pretense to an ancient reality, and Atheism is a reactionary ideological cult. Religious attempts to relive the history of ancient Israel requires our biblically based religions to teach their followers that the prophesied world-ending Battle of Armageddon is a future event. If that mistaken belief is not corrected soon, the radical followers of these cults will inflict a nuclear, biological, or chemical act of terrorism on humanity that we cannot now imagine. Make no mistake, either as a state actor, or a radicalized faction of religious rebels: They Will Do It!

The Covid19 Pandemic
Update 2020: did the Covid19 virus come from a science / military lab in Atheistic China? Think about it! 

The Covid19 virus reveals that atheistic / ideological “science” poses a far greater risk to human survival than false religion. Covid19 wasn’t created by a “lab” or by “China.” It was created by atheistic scientists who stand in the place of God; consequently, they think they can improve His Creation by manipulating nature and the environment. “Scientists” design our nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and turn us against each other in endless conflicts. These are very dangerous self-righteous ideologues.  Their reactionary ideology has killed more people than Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Paganism combined.

Never forget, the people who went to work in The World Trade Center on 9/11 thought that the conflict between science and religion was not their problem. They were WRONG!

Maybe you think it’s not your problem. If you do; you are WRONG!

It is time for governments to demand that the Ivory Tower “Intellectuals” drop their patronizing calls for tolerance, and solve the “mystery” of our existence before the violence goes nuclear.

There is a solution
The discovery, presented in The Awful Truth, solves The “Mystery” of Human Existence. Bookstore.

Science and Theology Professors
You have seen the horrendous violence inflicted on humanity by your ideologies. How many more wars will it take? How many more genocidal acts of terrorism will be necessary to get you to think the unthinkable, and admit, what in your hearts you already know, the “Noble Lies” of science and religion are both wrong about God and Human Existence! See the Malpractice link on the Directory.

It is time to face The Awful Truth; science and religion have had two thousand years to solve the “Mystery” of Human Existence. THEY FAILED!

The Awful Truth is available in our Bookstore.

Come Out from Among Them
If you think “modern intellectuals” are above creating a “noble Lie,” please read the post Climate Change a Noble Lie? next, and send us a review of the website; ContactWe will post your comments on the Reviews link.

Did the second coming of Jesus cause the collapse of the ancient world? You decide; Discovery

The answer to that question will reunite science and religion, harmonize liberal and conservative politics, and solve the “mystery” of human existence. Yes, Left and Right do unite @

If you have not read the synopsis, please click on the Discovery link before leaving the website.

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